is it coming a new chapter?
“To tell the true I am really tempting. Somewhere I read..
-that the only way to reach your personal success is to cultivate your passion!-
Now, I think that also between those that know me better, just few of my friends know my passion to Design Board game. Now, this is strange. Because I rally love it. The funny thing is that I am not particularly addicted to board-gaming. BUT I LOVE DESIGN THEM. I love imagine them, I love to dig the dynamics, I love investigate the mechanisms. Of course I love the making of the all imagines, illustrations, icons, tokens, bits and pieces. The problem is that I get easily lost. So… may be, if I commit my self to show my progress… this passion…
The true is that there is already to much.

witches wizards & wonderful wands
Actually this is already working. We play it regularly at home. To make more concrete it just needs of a bit of editing. And it may be published as it is.

Regatta SIM
The real thing is that.. underwater I am developing a big, huge and very sofisticated board game that simulates a regatta race. Class TP52. Working a lot on the foundations… but it is taking very long. So….
Regatta on class Star
Next step. Put together quickly and fast: board game design, sailing boats, illustrations…. therefore we have all my passions in one place.
And for once… this has been very quick.

So the idea is to develop also this part. In the website… and in real life.
Let see where it leads.”