the sea of the sparks

A big THANK here is due to some of the Daddo’s best friends: Giovanni Cappello and Isabella Lico for been the first friends to completely and generously trusting Daddo and helping him not only with generous resources but also for pushing him to, and through, a long and adventurous path.
This section of the site shows a collection of works inspired by Capitan Pasticcio (Capitan Clamsy?). The name “The Sea of the Sparks” (SofSp) actually came long after. Daddo invented him long ago. While hiking on the White Cliff of Dover with the family, his little doughtier on the shoulders (6 month old at the time), he invented the character to entertain her. And Capitan Pasticcio, his crew, and the Sea of the Sparks became for very long the main theme of Daddo’s sketches. You will find here all the sequences, the sketches, the drawings that have been printed (in limited editions or not). There is a long red-line connecting most of the sequences (not always).
Although if this is not the really first sequence Daddo ever made taking place in the SofSp, it is still crucial. Atai, a character the will appear quite often, is witnessing a very strange, love affair… between Mr and Mss White.
Lazy Atai… “I am not sure where this group take place. Partially grey scale and partially in colors, but I always loved the idea that Atai is a guy completely free from any duties. He is the freedom, the most connected with Mother Nature. The one who suffers the most for its accidents.”
the recall
This is a step forward describing, making alive, Atai, The Boy of the Pacific. Across the time he did not have always an easy life in the Sea of the Sparks. But, definitely, he has the strongest connection the Mother Nature. This is the “HOW”, and the “WHY” this single page came.

This drawings (circa A3 format) is available giclee prented in limited edition.
CONTACT daddo if interested
Quite soon sharks became a very important components of the narrative.
“Although the presents of sharks in my works are pretty obvious I realized, while reviewing my works, they are quite fragmented. Here below some of them. Sooner or later they will be presented in a much coherent sequence.”
over the reef
As a good friend of Daddo said long ago: “Daddo… this is the first time you draw the water transparent!”
Ok maybe was not the first time but remains one of the most impressive.
This drawings (circa 200mm x 200mm) are available giclee prented in limited edition.
CONTACT daddo if interested
coming back
Capitan Pasticcio coming back… directly from the sea and welcomed by Atai
This drawings (circa 200mm x 200mm) are available giclee prented in limited edition.
CONTACT daddo if interested
deep you have to dive
Atai facing his personal nightmares, fears… deep in the blue.